CNC Routers






CNC Router For Cabinet Building, CNC Router Router For Sign Making, CNC Router For Furniture Building, CNC Router For Schools, CNC Router For Guitar Building, CNC Router for Weekend Warriors, CNC Router For Craft Production

All great CNC Router discussions either begin or end with the motion of one table. This video highlights the features and specifications of the undisputed world champion of full sized CNC routing - the Artisan 408.

Once upon a time and many moons ago during the period we refer to as the dark ages of CNC Technology, small to mid sized craftsmen and business owners were squeezed out of automated CNC production by high costs and complex, difficult to operate machines.

The Industrial Revolution began when we unleashed the [Artisan 408] on the world and awe struck craftsmen reveled in a full size, easy to use, professional grade CNC Router system being offered at a price any shop could afford.

The Artisan 408 was the first and remains the only full size, production grade, CNC Router System that is built to industrial specifications yet available at a fraction of the cost of comparable machines. It wasn’t long before a bevy of copy cats and cheap knocks offs flooded the market but decades after its introduction, our industry is still littered with the competition this beast has left by the wayside.

Whether you’re ready to upgrade from a inferior system or want to ensure you buy your last router first, the Artisan 408 is the Best CNC Router system to add the benefits of full size routing to your shop, without breaking the bank.

The Artisan 408 is responsible for launching thousands of successful businesses and building countless fortunes across numerous industries. Everything from Cabinet Makers, Sign Shops, Furniture makers, guitar builders and more benefit from the increased production and accuracy of this system.

In this video we explore some of the the features and specifications that helped make this system the best CNC Router option for any shop seeking to grow their production flow, increase R&D and one off unit capabilities, batch production of nested parts, mass or flow production and continuous or process production employing full sized sheets of a long list of material.

If you need a 4X8 CNC Router Machine, look no further than Industrial CNC to unleach your creativity and put your shop on steroids.

Industrial CNC - OUR MISSION

Decades of Innovation, A Lifetime of Support.

Industrial CNC is the global leading manufacturer of Industrial Strength, Integrated CNC Router and Plasma Systems.

From design to engineering and manufacturing, Industrial CNC has one goal: Providing our customers with the strongest, fastest and most affordable CNC Router Systems available backed by an unwavering commitment to customer service and Free Lifetime Technical Support.